Complaints about back pain are one of the most common reasons to visit a doctor. Pain in this part of the body can be a manifestation either of normal fatigue caused by excessive physical exertion, or it can indicate the presence of serious health problems that require competent treatment.
Back pain is an unpleasant manifestation of many diseases or a strong strain on the back muscles for other reasons.
In most cases, this pathology occurs against the background of various changes in the structure of the joints of the spine, as well as in the adjacent muscles, nerve endings or skin of the spine. In addition, such a symptom accompanies some diseases or dysfunctions of internal organs.
Causes of back pain
The back can hurt in cases where there is a pathology of:
- column;
- musculoskeletal apparatus;
- internal organs.
Pain can also occur in a healthy person due to muscle soreness due to significant physical exertion.
spine pathology
In addition, frequent pathologies of the spine are considered, against which a pain syndrome occurs.
Osteochondrosis is the most common answer to the question: "why does my back hurt? "With this pathology, degenerative changes occur in the intervertebral cartilage, from which the cartilage becomes thinner, the space between the vertebrae decreases and the roots nerves can be pinched. For pain in osteochondrosis, the following symptoms are characteristic:
- occur during or after physical exertion, as well as a long stay in a static position;
- it may have a shooting or pain character;
- movement makes the pain worse.
If the sciatic nerve is compressed and sciatica develops, the pain is given to the buttocks, radiating along the surface of the thigh from behind. There may be a violation of sensitivity (numbness, tingling, burning). With lumbago, there is often a sharp or throbbing pain that causes the patient to literally freeze in place. Patients complain that they shot or twisted their backs.
Injuries most often occur during falls (during icy conditions, while playing sports) or blows to the back during road accidents. The pain can cause bruising and more serious injuries - fractures and dislocations of the vertebral bodies. Pain in an injury can be of the most diverse natures:
- aching,
- Burning,
- footage,
- Stupid.
Pain sensations may be constantly disturbing, occur with certain movements, or be felt as a pulsation, depending on the nature and location of the damage. It is important to know that serious injuries are not always caused by significant blows.
For example, a compression fracture of the spine in the elderly can be caused by a light mechanical load, and on the first day after the injury, the vertebra does not hurt much. In the future, if immobilization and treatment measures are not taken, the pain will increase and it is possible to cause damage to the nerves and spinal cord.
Any injury to the spine, even a small one, at first glance requires a medical examination.
intervertebral hernia
An intervertebral hernia is a protrusion of a fragment of the intervertebral disc into the spinal canal. A hernia is most often the result of degenerative changes in the spine or is the result of an injury. A disc bulge can occur anywhere in the spine, but much more often it happens in the lower back, as it bears the main load.
In the early stages of a hernia formation, back pain is brought on by physical activity, occurs from time to time, and is of low intensity. With the progression of the disease or a sharp loss of a disc fragment, the pain can be very intense, shooting in nature with irradiation to the legs.
Patients often complain of a numbness or burning sensation in the problem area as well as in the lower or upper limbs. This indicates that there has been a violation of the nerve endings. Severe pain causes muscle spasm, which leads to a violation of posture, develops pathological kyphosis or lordosis.
Spinal curvature (kyphosis, lordosis, scoliosis)
With the curvature of the spine, to compensate for the pathological curvature, there is significant muscle tension, leading to frequent and sometimes constant pain in the back.
Muscle pain
85% of cases of chronic or recurrent back muscle pain are associated with excessive stress on the lower back. Even for those who do not carry significant sports loads and do not carry heavy loads, the back muscles are strained daily. This is especially true for long-term static loads during sedentary computer work.
Unwarmed muscles can be easily injured when making a sharp turn, lifting a heavy object, or a bad movement. Pain can occur due to inflammatory diseases of the muscles (myositis) or due to intense stress, leading to reflex spasm of muscle fibers.
infectious diseases
Tuberculosis most often affects the spine. In the vertebrae, the infection enters via the hematogenous route (through the blood) and causes inflammation and then bone necrosis. Pain in the lower back and chest is a characteristic sign of spinal tuberculosis, and neurological symptoms appear in half of patients - there is a feeling of numbness and weakness in the limbs.
In addition, common manifestations are characteristic of spinal tuberculosis:
- weakness,
- sweating,
- increase in body temperature,
- fast fatigability,
- little appetite.
oncological diseases
In most cases, a malignant tumor does not develop in the spine itself. Cancer cells arrive here with the flow of blood or lymph from other foci. Most often, spinal metastases cause cancer of the mammary glands, lungs, and prostate. At first, the pains may resemble the manifestations of common osteochondrosis, but then the back aches constantly, with increasing intensity.
It is not always possible to remove pain with conventional painkillers; only the introduction of narcotics brings relief. With multiple metastases, the pain is wandering in nature, covering different parts of the spine. In addition to back pain, the patient feels weakness, irrational weight loss, fever to subfebrile numbers. The prognosis is unfavorable.
Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
The most common back pain occurs with pancreatitis. It is immersive in nature and is quite intense. In acute pancreatitis, pain may be accompanied by a drop in blood pressure and loss of consciousness. Acute pancreatitis is an indication for emergency admission of the patient to a surgical hospital.
In addition to pancreatitis, the pain can radiate to the back with a peptic ulcer or an attack of biliary colic.
Diseases of the genitourinary system
Kidney diseases, especially urolithiasis, during exacerbation often cause pain in the lower back. If the lower back hurts, the pain is accompanied by a violation of urination or is given to the inguinal region, consultation with a surgeon is necessary, and women need to be examined by a gynecologist to exclude inflammation of the appendages or the presence of a ectopic pregnancy.
Back pain in pregnant women
Pregnant women often complain of back and lower back pain, especially in the later stages. This is due to the fact that in the second half of pregnancy, due to a significant increase in the uterus, the center of gravity changes and the load on the muscles of the lower back increases. The pains are usually painful, aggravated by changing body position, in particular, when getting up from a chair or armchair.
What to do if your back hurts
If your back hurts for more than three days, you should see a doctor. Seek immediate medical attention if your back pain is accompanied by:
- bad general health;
- a sharp decrease or increase in blood pressure;
- increase in body temperature;
- malfunction of any internal organs.
Also, you need to call a doctor if the pain was preceded by an injury or with high pain intensity.
In most cases, the doctor will be able to make a preliminary diagnosis at the initial examination. However, to determine exactly what causes back pain, additional studies are warranted. In most cases, these are radiographs in two projections, computed tomography of the spine (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
If necessary, the doctor may prescribe a general blood and urine test, an electrocardiogram, an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity or small pelvis, and an image of the lungs. An examination must be carried out without fail, as even the most serious diseases in the early stages of detection with adequate treatment have a favorable prognosis.
How to get rid of back pain, only a doctor can recommend based on the examination data and examination results. The main principles of therapy: the elimination of intense pain and inflammation, the impact on the cause that caused the pain, rehabilitation measures aimed at accelerating tissue regeneration processes and restoring normal life (physiotherapy, exercise therapy, massage, nutrition proper).
how to relieve pain
To relieve pain, it is first necessary to limit physical activity. Of the pharmacological drugs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are the most prescribed. These medications can be taken as pills or injections and are also included in topical ointments. Treatment of back pain caused by muscle spasm is carried out with heating ointments, alcohol compresses and a warm bath. With severe spasm, muscle relaxants are prescribed.
It is important to remember that in case of inflammatory diseases of Organs internal organs and on the first day after the injury, any thermal procedure is contraindicated. They cause deterioration of health and progression of pathology. After removing the acute manifestations of the disease, physiotherapeutic procedures, massages and therapeutic exercises are prescribed. If a pregnant woman's back hurts, the use of medication is undesirable.
Wearing a special bandage and limiting physical activity will help pregnant women relieve back pain.
Exercise therapy (therapeutic gymnastics) is the foundation for successful treatment of back pain in any location. A set of exercises may be recommended by a physical therapy exercise specialist or a rehabilitation doctor. Classes start with simple exercises, gradually increasing the load on the muscles and ligaments of the back and lower back.
This leads to strengthening the muscular corset that supports the spine, alignment of posture, activation of blood circulation and metabolism in the tissues, improvement of general well-being and mood. It is illiterate to treat the back with medication without regular exercise therapy and proper nutrition. This will only give a temporary effect.
Procedures such as phonophoresis with medicinal substances, magnetotherapy, laser therapy will help speed up recovery. During the period of remission, it is effective to undergo mud therapy and paraffin therapy.

To avoid back pain, it is very important to lead a healthy lifestyle, including:
- a balanced diet with sufficient vitamins and minerals;
- maintain a normal body weight;
- regular physical education classes aimed at strengthening the back and abdominal muscles;
- contact a doctor if any disease appears and its timely treatment.
Back pain requires mandatory diagnoses to determine the cause of its occurrence and long-term treatment, based mainly on changing the patient's lifestyle. In the acute period of the disease, the patient is assisted by pharmacological preparations. If you follow all the doctor's recommendations, the prognosis in most cases is favorable.